Sanctuary of the Cabeiri, Lemnos island, Greece

“As Above So Below” invites audiences to contemplate how the destructive fire experienced by the refugees of Smyrna is transformed into the sacred fire of the mystical Cabeiri.

  • "As Above So Below" is conceived as a collective and experiential ritual aimed at awakening our cellular memory.

  • Through contemporary performing arts, we are invited to reconnect with our ancient future, evoking the Mystery and activating our primordial cultural consciousness through Logos, Melos, and Orchesis.

  • The show unfolds with the portrayal of the refugees of Smyrna, symbolised by a mother and her children, encountering the Mystical Cabeiri.

An Invitation

'As Above So Below' invites audiences to contemplate how the destructive fire experienced by the refugees of Smyrna is transformed into the sacred fire of the mystical Cabeiri. It serves as a remembrance of the Greek civilization, perpetually reborn from its ashes.

The Cabeiri carry the remembrance of the rebirth of humanity's spirit through the Sacred Fire of Hephaestus—an enduring reminder that Greek Culture is perpetually reborn from its ashes.

The performance showcased an original musical composition by Trifon Koutsourelis, and an original text by Panos Gkiokas, accompanied by Valentina Tamiolaki's lighting design, enhancing the immersive experience for the audience. Renowned performers Savina Yannatou and Maria Papageorgiou, along with actor Thanassis Efthymiadis and six professional dancers, collaborated to immerse the audience in a ritualistic exploration of Greek cultural history—from its inception to destruction to eventual rebirth.

Director and choreographer Apostolia Papadamaki embarked on an artistic journey to explore timeless and indivisible concepts that activate the forces of Greek culture, encompassing survival, rebirth, and progress, expressed through the lens of time and light.

Supporting Organisations & Sponsors

 The performance was part of the 2022 “All of Greece, one Culture” program by the Ministry of Culture. It was implemented in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesbos and the Greek National Tourism Organisation.

Media sponsors: ERT N. Aegean, Culture Now, Theatermag, Enallaktikos 

Premiere: 12/08/2022

As Above So Below


Direction, choreography
Apostolia Papadamaki

Original music
Trifon Koutsourelis

Apostolia Papadamaki, Panagiotis Giokas

Original text writing
Panagiotis Giokas

Costume design
Ifigeneia Daoudaki

Lighting design
Valentina Tamiolaki

Assistant Choreographer
Konstantina Liontou

On Stage

Savina Yannatou: Refugee Mother / Great Mother - Axieros
Maria Papageorgiou: Axiocersa / Cabeirus
Thanassis Efthymiadis: Axiocersus / Cabeirus
Apostolia Papadamaki: Cadmilus - Hermes / Cabeirus
Dancers / Cabeiroi: Spyros Christakis, Plotinos Eliades, Konstantina Liontou, Maria
Papakonstantinou, Natasha Sarantopoulou, Antonis Strouzas.

Children volunteer performers: Sophia Fotiadou, Nadia Gkouva, Iassonas Kallianis, Myrto Karanika, Fotini Katti, Georgia Mavraki, Nikolaos Mavrakis, Polymnia Pomoni, Chryssi Vavatsika.

Adult volunteer performers: Chryssoula Archontidou, Elli Chalkidou, Victoria Giannaki, Maria Gkiorgkine, Makis Kallianis, Jenny Karapiperi, Eleni Kontelli, Eleni Koustoulidi, Vaya Mastroyannopoulou, Chryssanthi Michlizoglou, Irene Mylona, George Palios, Christianna Skiada, Eleni Tzivaki, Serafim Vavatsikas, Andreas Vitoratos, Ioanna Vlachogianni, Elina Zambouni.

Scientific collaborators: Dr Pavlos Triantafyllidis, archaeologist and supervisor at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesbos, Malamo Mari, Archaeologist.
Production: MENTOR / Panagiotis Gkiokas, Virginia Vassilakou, Yannis Pappas
Marketing & Communication: MENTOR
Press Office: Nicole Votsi
Photography, Graphic & Visual Designer: Areion Stefanidis
Video documentation: Pandelis Ladas

Special thanks to ms Eleni Koulizaki for teaching pronunciation and prosody of the Ancient Greek Language and to Dr. Athina Despoina Potari for contributing of the selection of Ancient Greek texts.


The Oracles Of Water


All Is One