The Oracles of Water
A captivating performance that links climate change and the global water crisis with the mythological backdrop and worship of Apollo at Delphi. This two-part show began at sunrise at the Temple of Athena Pronaia and ended at sunset at the Temple of Apollo, guiding the audience along the Sacred Way from the Roman Agora under a magical full moon. The performance powerfully illustrates art's ability to leverage ancient wisdom and cultural heritage to confront contemporary issues such as climate change and the global water crisis.
As Above So Below
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe, the 'As Above So Below' 2022 performance, explores themes of destruction and rebirth in the Greek spirit. The performance centers on fire's duality: a sacred element in the Cabeirian Mysteries and a symbol of destruction, abuse, and war. The show questions how this potent symbol, linked to God Hephaestus, could help forge a better world. Set under a Full Moon at Lemnos's mystical Kaveirio site, the performance merges the physical and spiritual, promoting deep connections between human souls and celestial elements.
All is One
Inspired by the Minoans' deep reverence for Mother Nature and their rich symbolism. Held at the Minoan Palace of Zakros, which was originally built around 1900 BC, rebuilt around 1600 BC, and destroyed around 1450 BC, the performance offered a mystical experience. It connected participants with the perpetual motion of the natural world and the underlying harmony that governs it.